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Chairperson, Provincial The National Awakening Party, South Sumatra Agrees On Deploying 1000 Agriculture Agents To Increase Food Production

PALEMBANG, GESAHKITA COM–Chairperson, Provincial The National Awakening Party Politician, South Sumatra, Ramlan Holdan supports the local provincial government to add field agricultural extension agents because extension workers are needed by farmers and play a role in increasing agricultural production.

As informed that The National Awakening Party  was earlier Initiated and led by the Late of  President Abdurahman Wahid the grand Son of  who is one of Nahdhul Ulama Founder, Hasyim Asyari.

As addition, Nahdhul Ulama is the old biggest Muslim Organization since the colonial era. In the Last election The National Awakening Party succeeded in nominating  Ma’rum Amin Vise President along with President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

Ramlan Holdan spoke to Irfan Efendi (reporter) that he agrees on what has been decided by South Sumatra Governor, Herman Deru to deploy 1000 agriculture agents toward the area in order to educate and guiding the farmers in increasing of paddy production and all agriculture sectors, Monday, (17/05/2021)

“They have the expertice in the agriculture, automatically their role will impact to farmers knowledge and creativity,  and by the end, it will bear the agriculture quality itself, “said Ramlan.

Ramlan also explained that the agriculture agents play a role as better communicator to convey information between government with its policy, researchers and also among the other sides (stakeholders) who have the importances with the agriculture sectors.

“This agent, I am confident to say that they are initiative doers or front-liners that are able to be the agents of changing as well as giving the ideas and better solution to develop and design the better plan of agriculture in this province in where are 17 districts or cities required to be touched,” Ramlan added.

In this Talk, Ramlan also giving an emphasizing that those agents have the ability to facilitate how to overcome common obstacles in developing agriculture issues which always happened among farmers, including partnership, agri-entrepreneurship, market access, farming loan and so forth.

“Therefore, considering that the essential roles of these agents in pushing up to the farmers to step of changing toward paradigm (mind set), a way of work, a way of life of which are relevant to the changing of era, either it is the agriculture knowledge and method or technology, their existence and availability must be encouraged fully, “ argued Ramlan.

 “Don’t be doubtful to add more agents, as it should be able to cover the farmer requirement,” He ended.

South Sumatra Governor, Herman Deru before has explained that the launching of Agriculture agents in this area, since last 2 years.

Deru is satisfied enough that his initiation to launch the program is having a better responds from the farmers and the stakeholders around.

By this reason, he decided to recruit 1000 agents in this phase periode of whom will be placed in agriculture spot production to assist in increasing food production.

Governor promises and is aware of it, that by the time, this numbers of agents will be added up, until it is really fulfilled the farmers  requirement in this province, Governor Herman Deru said.(irfan/goik)


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