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French Eased For Travel To or From Six other Countries including Australia and New Zealand

PARIS, GESAHKITA COM–Finally, French government announced on Thursday it was lifting the requirement that meant only those people with “essential reasons” to travel to the UK were permitted to make the trip. Restrictions were also eased for travel to or from six other countries including Australia and New Zealand.

The Local reports that since December and the emergence of the so-called “UK variant” of Covid-19 , travel between France and the UK has been extremely limited, with people only able to travel if they fit a very short list of criteria, including the death of a family member.

And since January 31st all travel outside the EU without a valid excuse has been banned to limit the spread of other Covid-19 variants.

However on Thursday the Foreign Ministry announced the relaxation of the rules on a number of destinations outside the EU, including the UK.

The government said due to the widespread presence of the “variant anglais” in France, the restrictions were no longer necessary.

The new travel regime comes into place on Friday and means people can travel between France and the UK for any reason – although they will still have to present a negative Covid test and travel certificate at the border.

The ministry statement said: “After the introduction of motif impérieux (compelling reasons) for travel outside the European area, this regime is amended to take account of international epidemic developments and to add a number of emergency situations that constitute compelling reasons.

“In a decree to be published on Friday, March 12th, it will no longer be necessary to justify a compelling reason for travel to or from Australia, South Korea, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and Singapore, due to the widespread spread of the ‘UK variant’ in France and the specific health situation in these countries.”

More than 60 percent of all Covid cases in France are now the ‘UK variant’ of the virus.

People wishing to travel to or from a non-EU destination not listed above will still need to provide motif impérieux for their trip, but the list of accepted reasons has been widened to include:

Couples who are married or in a civil partnership where one of the members is living abroad for professional reasons

Minor children attending school in France while the family home is established abroad

Couples with children, one living in France, the other abroad and separated.

Students taking a competitive examination

Returning to a main residence in France

Anyone travelling in to France needs to present a negative PCR Covid test taken within the previous 72 hours and fill in a declaration stating that they have no Covid symptoms.

There is no compulsory quarantine for arrivals in France, but people coming from a non-EU country are asked to self-isolate for 7 days on arrival. This can be done at an address of their choice.

The rules for travelling into the UK from France remain the same – a compulsory quarantine, although this can be undertaken at home, and paying for private Covid tests.(the Local/red)

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