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Bina Darma University Involved 9 Press Companies Broadcasting The Campus Activity

PALEMBANG, GESAHKITA COM–Bina Darma University Palembang involved 9 local  Press Companies to assist in broadcasting campus activities including the social Devotion of Higher Education activities to convey to public the work of the university.

Mr. H Hendri Zainuddin, SPd SH MM as the Assistance Rector of Communication Affair in this instance, Speaking on behalf of The Rector, Dr Sunda Ariana MPd MM talking to 9 Press Companies Representative in the gathering meeting with  9 representative of Local Press Companies which was also committed the undersigned the MoU between the University with those Press Companies, in the Campus Room Meeting, Wednesday, (07/07/2021)

Hendri Zainuddin says, Bina Darma University is an asset for South Sumatra Society, as it is role to raise up Human Resources as well as Shaping the Human Resources in this area has been credible and none will be doubt about it.

Hendri next also explained, as noted that there are not less than 24 thousands Bina Darma University Alumnus has been spreaded out in the whole nations included spreaded out  in the some countries abroad.

 “Annually, there are about 6 (six) thousands students are interacting with this campus every year, “He added.

PR III UBD, Hendri Zainudin (kanan) saat Serahkan Kenangan berupa Pelakat Kepada pihak Gesahkita com, Arjeli Sy Jr (Tengah) dalam Acara Silahtuhrahmi sekaligus Penandatanganan MoU
PR III UBD, Hendri Zainudin (kanan) saat Serahkan Kenangan berupa Pelakat Kepada pihak Gesahkita com, Arjeli Sy Jr (Tengah) dalam Acara Silahtuhrahmi sekaligus Penandatanganan MoU

“That is why, “He continued, “This is a perfect choice to let public know it very well of what has happened in this campus and what are so long we have done to research and student research activity, and also the social devotion we have conducted. We really require your assistance in informing and conveying our good activities as well as facilitating our students some assistance to commit the apprentice in your Press Companies,” Mr Hendry stated in the meeting.

Ms. Sapta, as one of Press Companies representative, spoke to the meeting and explained that she studied in Bina Darma University in many years ago. She impressed of much development has been changed in this campus.

Ms Sapta is presently leading a Press Company (Media Sriwijaya) expressed her gratitude for having  a chance to work together with the campus in where she used to study getting knowledge and a lot of guidance from lecturers of Bina Darma University.

Futhermore, on behalf of Press Companies just undrsigned the MoU, she hopes that this Understanding will be run and implemented very well.

“As for the goodness of the growing up the Human Resources in general and particularly, of South Sumatra, “She ended.

Those 9 Press Companies Involved are : Detik Sumsel, Tribun Sumsel, Media Sriwijaya, Jelajah Sumsel, Berita Pagi, Lingkaran id, Fixpalembang com, Lentera Pendidikan dan Gesahkitan com.

Editor : Arjeli Sy Jr


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