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South Sumatra Governor Delivered Public Lecture Materials to 1,200 Bina Darma New Students

PALEMBANG, GESAHKITA COM—Introduction to Campus Life for New Students (PKKMB) for Academic Year 2021-2022 Bina Darma University (UBD) officially started, Monday (27/9/2021) with the theme Building a Competitive Generation of Superiors Towards The Next Golden Generation.

As the best private university in South Sumatra under the leadership of Chancellor Dr Sunda Ariana MPd MM , the PKKMB implementation was held with a very strict health protocol (prokes) and presented public lectures from high-ranking officials and the Regional Leadership Communication Forum (Forkopimda) in South Sumatra. in the PKKMB series, new students (maba) participated online and offline.

On the occasion of the opening of the PKKMB for the 2021-2022 Academic Year, the Chancellor Dr Sunda Ariana MPd MM was accompanied by the Vice Chancellors as well as the Deans and Lecturers within UBD.

A number of competent speakers including the Governor of South Sumatra H Herman Deru, Military Head (Pangdam II/Sriwijaya) and the South Sumatra Police Chief also took part in giving public lectures at the opening of the PKKMB at UBD.

“As we know, the COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on various sectors, including the education sector. However, in this case, UBD feels helped by the disbursement of the South Sumatra Provincial Government assistance through the South Sumatran Governor Herman Deru who allocated scholarships to 900 UBD students,” said Chancellor Dr Sunda Ariana MPd MM.

Masih Suasana Kuliah Umum 1200 Mahasiswa Baru UBD, HD dan Rektor Saat diwawancara awak media
Still the moment of the Public Lecture 1200 UBD New Students, HD and the Chancellor When interviewed by the media crew

Sunda said, this year also Bina Darma carried out several breakthrough programs targeting Islamic boarding schools to memorizing the Koran or hafiz and hafiza in South Sumatra.

“Bina Darma has also disbursed free tuition scholarships for students and female students in South Sumatra as well as the Koran memorizers who received scholarships to study at Bina Darma, not only that we also collaborated with media crews or journalists in South Sumatra to be able to continue postgraduate higher education at Bina Darma. Darma, Alhamdulillah,(Thanks God)  all of these programs are going well,” he explained.

“And UBD also runs the ADIK scholarship which accommodates students from Papua to continue their higher education at UBD,” he added.

He continued, Bina Darma will also synergize optimally with the South Sumatra Provincial Government and where UBD lecturers and students have created innovations in the form of the Smart Village Information System (Sisdepin) application.

“So, through this Sisdepin application we will inform or present products or innovations that exist in all villages in the South Sumatra region, we want this application to be able to synergize well with the South Sumatra Provincial Government,” he hoped.

Meanwhile, the Governor of South Sumatra H Herman Deru appreciated UBD for its maximum and good readiness to carry out PKKMB and of course prioritizing the COVID-19 process. “I feel very honored to be able to give public lectures at the best universities in South Sumatra,” said the Governor of Innovative Indonesia.

The former Regent of East OKU for these two terms reminded new students at UBD not only to concentrate on pursuing the highest grades, but since they were in college, they must also prepare plans for the future.

Secara Simbolis HD Menyerahkan Kartu Mahasiswa Program Adik Asal Papua
HD Symbolically Hands Over Papuan Students Adik Scholarship Awardee Program a Student Card

“The most important thing is that later it can be useful for many people, you are lucky people who can continue higher education at a very high quality campus,” he said.

Herman Deru hopes that UBD will continue to produce superior generations in South Sumatra who are able to make a positive contribution to the progress of South Sumatra and at the national level. “Hopefully UBD will continue to be the foremost campus, and become the best campus of all time,” he concluded.

On the occasion of the Introduction to Campus Life for New Students (PKKMB) for the Academic Year 2021-2022, Bina Darma University (UBD) also gave a public lecture for representatives of Pangdam II/Sriwijaya, the South Sumatra Police Chief on this occasion attended by the Director of Intelligence and Security of the South Sumatra Police Kombes Pol Ratno Kuncoro SIK MSi , and Independent Commissioner of PT Telkom who is also a UBD Lecturer Prof. Dr. Ir Marsudi Wahyu Kisworo.(ril/irf/ari)


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